ChannelMessageType enumerates the possible types of channel messages.
MetaEventType enumerates the possible meta event types.
SystemMessageType enumerates the possible types of system message. Some of these are system common messages, others are system realtime messages.
TrackFormat is the MIDI data's format.
isChannelMessage() and isSystemMessage() are used to find if a MIDI event is a channel message or a system message.
ChannelMessageType enumerates the possible types of channel messages.
A track event is one of the following: - a MIDI event, meaning it carries around any message (channel or system), except system exclusive messages; - a system exclusive event, which offers an escape to transmit arbitrary bytes; - a meta event, meaning it carries around other meta information.
SystemMessageType enumerates the possible types of system message. Some of these are system common messages, others are system realtime messages.
isChannelMessage() and isSystemMessage() are used to find if a MIDI event is a channel message or a system message.
SystemMessageType enumerates the possible types of system message. Some of these are system common messages, others are system realtime messages.
mididi.def contains definition enums and types important to MIDI files.
The implementation (and some of the documentation) is based on this specification: