SystemMessageType enumerates the possible types of system message. Some of
these are system common messages, others are system realtime messages.
If for a ubyte x we have that isSystemMessage(x) is true, then it can be
safely cast to SystemMessageType using cast(SystemMessageType) x.
A system message is either a a "system common message" or a "system real-time
message". You can use isSystemCommonMessage(x) and
isSystemRealTimeMessage(x) to identify which is true, or compare to the enum
members to find out the exact message type.
SystemMessageType enumerates the possible types of system message. Some of these are system common messages, others are system realtime messages.
If for a ubyte x we have that isSystemMessage(x) is true, then it can be safely cast to SystemMessageType using cast(SystemMessageType) x.
A system message is either a a "system common message" or a "system real-time message". You can use isSystemCommonMessage(x) and isSystemRealTimeMessage(x) to identify which is true, or compare to the enum members to find out the exact message type.
See also: mididi.def.isSystemMessage