
ChannelMessageType enumerates the possible types of channel messages.

The underlying value of this enumeration is the four upper bits of the status byte (and always starts with a 1 bit). After all, a channel message has the message type in the four upper bits and a channel identifier in the four lower bits of the status byte.

The functions isChannelVoiceMessage() and isChannelModeMessage() need the data bytes in addition to the status byte to identify if a channel message is a voice message or a mode message, because some status byte values overlap (see for example ChannelMessageType.controlChangeOrMode).

See also: mididi.def.isChannelMessage

  1. enum ChannelMessageType
  2. bool isChannelVoiceMessage(ubyte statusByte, ubyte[2] dataBytes)
    @nogc nothrow pure @safe
    ubyte[2] dataBytes
  3. bool isChannelModeMessage(ubyte statusByte, ubyte[2] dataBytes)
